Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain a new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired. they will walk and not become weary.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Having Patience
Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain a new strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired. they will walk and not become weary.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Ridin' On Faith
It has been a while since I have last written a post on here and because of that there are a lot of things on my mind that need to be let loose. First and foremost, I want to thank EVERYONE who voted for me to sing the National Anthem at the CNFR: College National Finals Rodeo. I am so blessed to announce that I have won the contest and will be traveling to Casper, Wyoming in June!! I am very honored to have been placed with the opportunity to even enter.
Secondly, I held a Riding On Faith Night on May 10 in my hometown, O'Neill, Nebraska. We had a great turn out! Over 200 people came to listen to God's word. I am very honored that God has used me as a vessel to spread His word. I can only hope that I shed some light and that through me people see Christ. During the weeks leading up to this event and the events following, many people asked me, "What's Ridin' On Faith?" For the rest of this post, I'd like to share the meaning behind Ridin' On Faith.
In the beginning, I had been asked to do a faith night where family and friends could come together for a time of fellowship. After accepting this offer, I then had to come up with a "name" for the faith night. The first thing that came to mind was Ridin' On Faith. At the time, I didn't see the significance it actually held. Nearly a month after committing to this faith night event, I had received and email that I had been accepted for the summer internship in Texas that I had applied for in early January. In the midst of trying to wrap up school, write music, plan the faith night, schedule other shows, I was also trying to find means of living in Texas. Weeks flew by like days and before I knew it finals were just beginning and I would be home bound in a few short days. Each night I prayed that God would give me guidance and strength in finding the perfect fit for summer housing. The last day of finals, an apartment room opened up. By the grace of God things were kind of starting to fall into place. Within the next few days, I had heard word of a scholarship for students who are relocating for a summer non-paid internship. I applied and prayed for the best.
Once the first semester of my senior year was in the books, I packed my bags and headed home. I pulled into the driveway a few hours before the Ridin' On Faith family and fellowship night began. In that week I was booked with radio shows, showcases, and a fashion show. With little rest, I carried forth with each event sharing Christ's love.
Come Sunday morning, I was packed and ready to head south. With a few hundred dollars in the bank and a tank filled with faith I hit the road to Texas. Moving to Texas, I knew that I had only two things secure, a place to stay and a non-paid internship. When I arrived, I had plans of job searching and finding places to play music. A week after settling in, I received an email explaining that I had received that scholarship of $1500. This amount was to help cover living costs.
I am only three weeks into this journey and have well over two months left. This entire time I have been riding on faith completely. God has a funny sense of timing. I came here knowing absolutely no one and trusted that God would place certain people in my path who would help guide me and give me the strength to keep filling up my personal gas tank with faith. I have met so many Godly people since I've been here. Some of which I now consider some of my best friends. Truth is I have no idea what will happen next week or even tomorrow, but in this journey I am pursuing Christ more than I ever have.
Ridin' On Faith may have started out as an event, but it is now the journey of life that I am on.
Below are photos from the Ridin' On Faith Family Fellowship night in O'Neill, Nebraska:

Photos below are from a private event:
Secondly, I held a Riding On Faith Night on May 10 in my hometown, O'Neill, Nebraska. We had a great turn out! Over 200 people came to listen to God's word. I am very honored that God has used me as a vessel to spread His word. I can only hope that I shed some light and that through me people see Christ. During the weeks leading up to this event and the events following, many people asked me, "What's Ridin' On Faith?" For the rest of this post, I'd like to share the meaning behind Ridin' On Faith.
In the beginning, I had been asked to do a faith night where family and friends could come together for a time of fellowship. After accepting this offer, I then had to come up with a "name" for the faith night. The first thing that came to mind was Ridin' On Faith. At the time, I didn't see the significance it actually held. Nearly a month after committing to this faith night event, I had received and email that I had been accepted for the summer internship in Texas that I had applied for in early January. In the midst of trying to wrap up school, write music, plan the faith night, schedule other shows, I was also trying to find means of living in Texas. Weeks flew by like days and before I knew it finals were just beginning and I would be home bound in a few short days. Each night I prayed that God would give me guidance and strength in finding the perfect fit for summer housing. The last day of finals, an apartment room opened up. By the grace of God things were kind of starting to fall into place. Within the next few days, I had heard word of a scholarship for students who are relocating for a summer non-paid internship. I applied and prayed for the best.
Once the first semester of my senior year was in the books, I packed my bags and headed home. I pulled into the driveway a few hours before the Ridin' On Faith family and fellowship night began. In that week I was booked with radio shows, showcases, and a fashion show. With little rest, I carried forth with each event sharing Christ's love.
Come Sunday morning, I was packed and ready to head south. With a few hundred dollars in the bank and a tank filled with faith I hit the road to Texas. Moving to Texas, I knew that I had only two things secure, a place to stay and a non-paid internship. When I arrived, I had plans of job searching and finding places to play music. A week after settling in, I received an email explaining that I had received that scholarship of $1500. This amount was to help cover living costs.
I am only three weeks into this journey and have well over two months left. This entire time I have been riding on faith completely. God has a funny sense of timing. I came here knowing absolutely no one and trusted that God would place certain people in my path who would help guide me and give me the strength to keep filling up my personal gas tank with faith. I have met so many Godly people since I've been here. Some of which I now consider some of my best friends. Truth is I have no idea what will happen next week or even tomorrow, but in this journey I am pursuing Christ more than I ever have.
Ridin' On Faith may have started out as an event, but it is now the journey of life that I am on.
Below are photos from the Ridin' On Faith Family Fellowship night in O'Neill, Nebraska:

Photos below are from a private event:
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Ride Cowboy Ride (Clint's Song)
Ride Cowboy Ride (Clint's Song)
This is an original song that I recently wrote about a friend of mine who's brother past away due to a bull riding accident. From the stories I've been told, Clint was a man of God. He loved the Lord with all his heart. Bull riding was his outlet for him to show others Christ.
This song is for Clint and his family. Enjoy!
This is an original song that I recently wrote about a friend of mine who's brother past away due to a bull riding accident. From the stories I've been told, Clint was a man of God. He loved the Lord with all his heart. Bull riding was his outlet for him to show others Christ.
This song is for Clint and his family. Enjoy!
And I remember him climbing in the chute
He'd grip his hat down tight 'fore all hell broke loose
And he always wore his favorite leather chaps
Pulled his boots on tight and tucked in his snaps
Ride cowboy ride
You're Taking life
by the horns 8 seconds at a time
your holding on for dear life
So ride cowboy ride
no stranger to pain, not a tear in his eye
His fear was over ruled by his passion and pride
And he always said that bruises never last
And what don't kill me better run fast
Ride cowboy ride
You're Taking life
by the horns 8 seconds at a time
your holding on for dear life
So ride cowboy ride
Oh he never rode for the glory, and never road for the fame
He only rode for one man, and Christ Jesus was his name
On his last ride in those Logan Co. Lights
He grew a pair of wings and rode off to paradise
he's riding in heaven in arenas made of Gold
With the Lord there beside him pulling his rope
Ride cowboy ride
You're Taking life
by the horns 8 seconds at a time
your holding on for dear life
So ride cowboy ride
And I remember him climbing in the chute
He'd grip his hat down tight 'fore all hell broke loose
And I remember him climbing in the chute
He'd grip his hat down tight 'fore all hell broke loose
And he always wore his favorite leather chaps
Pulled his boots on tight and tucked in his snaps
Ride cowboy ride
You're Taking life
by the horns 8 seconds at a time
your holding on for dear life
So ride cowboy ride
no stranger to pain, not a tear in his eye
His fear was over ruled by his passion and pride
And he always said that bruises never last
And what don't kill me better run fast
Ride cowboy ride
You're Taking life
by the horns 8 seconds at a time
your holding on for dear life
So ride cowboy ride
Oh he never rode for the glory, and never road for the fame
He only rode for one man, and Christ Jesus was his name
On his last ride in those Logan Co. Lights
He grew a pair of wings and rode off to paradise
he's riding in heaven in arenas made of Gold
With the Lord there beside him pulling his rope
Ride cowboy ride
You're Taking life
by the horns 8 seconds at a time
your holding on for dear life
So ride cowboy ride
And I remember him climbing in the chute
He'd grip his hat down tight 'fore all hell broke loose
Bull riding,
Clint Koenig,
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