Friday, April 11, 2014

David and Goliath

I just spent the half hour reading messages on a Facebook group full of prayer warriors. First off, I was touched deeply by everyone's requests. It was a very humbling read because I realized that there are so many other people out there who are fighting a bigger battle than I am. Earlier this morning I was reading 1Samuel 17 the story of David and Goliath. As I read, I continued to think that there are so many times in our life when we come face to face with a giant that we are looking to defeat and state our prayers in the name of "(your name)" instead of in the name of Jesus. In the story of David and Goliath, David had a need in his life and he knew it was up to him to defeat this giant, and David claimed his defeat in the name of Jesus. God always requires us to take action and requires us to take a step of faith when we are faced with these kind of situations (Giolaths). Now David could have sat back there and just coward down and say "God will you do something with this guy because I'm suppose to fight him and I don't want to. Take care of this guy for me God." God could have because He is all powerful; however He required that David take a step of faith. In the bible it says that David ran toward the giant. Sometime we as Christians are weak and we run from our trials whether it be from sickness in our life or when someone has wronged us. The first thing we want to do is to run from it. David ran toward his opponent in the name of Jesus and claimed victory in the name of Jesus. Ya'll when we have trials in our life the gospel doesn't just work for one thing or in one area, it applies across the board. It doesn't matter if your in a battle with yourself, your finances, someone else, your family, cancer, health... whatever your battle may be God is saying "I want you to take a step of faith in the direction of whatever you are desiring and I want you to claim it in the name of Jesus."

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