Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let Hope In

HOPE changes everything. It can disarm guilt, shatter shame, and put your past in its place. All you have to do is make the choice to let it in. It won’t be easy. It won’t be quick. But it is possible and we serve a God who promises over and over again that anything is possible.

Pete Wilson, a pastor at Cross Point Church in Nashville, Tennessee and the author of Let Hope In, presents a new look at the power of healing through hope, revealing 4 unique choices that have the potential to change your life forever.
With Wilson’s telltale cadence and candor, Let Hope In explores accounts of seemingly hopeless moments in the Bible; illustrating God’s ultimate plan for healing by letting hope fill the dark places of your past.

Discover how pain that is not transformed, becomes transferred. Embrace the freedom of being okay with not being okay. Learn that a life of trusting in far more magnificent than a life of pleasing. Because hurt people, hurt people, but free people have the power to free people.

So make today the day that you get unstuck. The day you fill your past with the light of hope, the day you say good-bye to regret and shame. The day you choose to change your future and embrace who God created you to be, simply by making the choice to let hope in.

Over the next 5 weeks, I will be ministering through the book Let Hope In written by Pete Wilson. Each week I will cover a new topic that will remind you that God can redeem and transform any situation, and how that change really is possible. In this process we will tackle our old hurts head-on, showing us a biblical, practical process of letting go of old wounds and moving forward into a new future. These choices will set you free from living as a prisoner. Let the power of Christ into your heart. Let this choice stir your heart and LET HOPE IN.  Please join me in this 5-week journey of seeking hope.

As you progress through this transformation, your names, progress results, or other personal information is not necessary! I will not ask you and you do not have to tell me; however, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions, concerns, want to talk about topics, or anything else that is on your mind! I will listen, answer, and would love to keep in touch with those who do.

-Bobbi LeAnn

s our old hurts head-on, showing us a biblical, practical process for letting go of old wounds and moving forward into a new future.”

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