Team Roper and Tie-down Roper for the University of Wyoming
"You are a once in all history event.” Brit Ellerman is firmly convinced that each person has something unique, and if we don’t show it that is a piece of God that the world will never see. He lives this message each day by making the most of the opportunities God puts in front of him.
Brit was introduced to roping at an early age. Born into a rodeo family, he was blessed to have a 5 time National Finals Rodeo qualifier for a dad, as well as a mother and sister who rope and love rodeo. His early exposure to the sport has grown into a love and desire to turn pro.
He first competed in Junior Rodeo at age 5 and continued practicing and improving as he grew. Brit earned an invitation to a Young Pros roping camp when he was 12. There he met Jeff and Carol Hogner, and his life was forever changed. Not only did they provide excellent roping instruction, they shared the love of Jesus with the participants. Thanks to their faithfulness, Brit began his personal relationship with Christ which has had a domino effect to his family and all he meets.
The next summer Brit asked the Hogners if he could travel with them. They said yes, and he joined their team of young ropers who loved Jesus in ministering to kids wherever they went. This opened the door for Brit to become comfortable sharing his faith publicly and the important skill of building relationships.
He continued traveling with Young Pros throughout high school, as well as competing (and winning) roping competitions and playing basketball. He earned a roping scholarship to the University of Wyoming, and is currently in his junior year there. Life was very good and he was sure of the direction he was taking.

He was getting down on himself and becoming depressed. As he continued to wonder if he should drop out of college and leave roping, Brit finally sought advice from a Godly friend. He was challenged to consider that just because things were hard, that was not a reason to quit. If God was calling him to something different, that was fine, but giving up because things weren’t going his way? There was more to life and God’s purpose for him than how he was feeling in the struggles of the moment.
As he continued to search out God and His plans for his life, Brit realized that his identity and purpose were not based on how well he did in the arena or in his classes. He was able to overcome the frustrations and uncertainty through focusing on using the gifts and talents that God had given him to reach out to others. When he took the focus off himself, he regained perspective on people and the world around him.

Brit’s competitive nature and discipline has driven him to train and excel at whatever he puts his hand to, but he has an additional motivator: doing everything to honor God. On the days when he is tempted to slack off schooling or cut corners in training, he is reminded that he is not doing these things only for himself. He has learned that being ReMade isn’t necessarily a one-time thing. We wake up new each day, with all we need to go through that day.
I Timothy 4:12 (The Message) says: "Get the word out. Teach all these things. And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching.” Brit Ellerman personifies this verse. He may be young, but he is bold and lets no one and nothing hold him back. He is ReMade every day, and sharing the unique parts of God in him with the world.
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