Monday, October 27, 2014

Taking The High Road

Taking The High Road

Let me first note that this blog is a journal of my faith walk with Christ. The purpose of this entry is not for sympathy. It is to acknowledge that my love belongs to someone much bigger than myself, Lord Jesus Christ.

I have often wondered if there are people out there who often go through some of the same things I do. This past week has hit two extremes. It has been the most heart wrenching, filled with attacks from the devil himself. However, there have also been instances where life couldn’t be any greater.

The devil himself came in hot, dressed in full attack mode. From belittling my faith to presenting me as a very poor Christian example, he spoke ruthless comments of hate. It was a message that I couldn’t believe I received, but then again the devil can take on many forms. He brings us up just to break us down. That’s his nature. He only succeeds if you let him.

When I read through this message, I knew exactly who I was in Christ. It is what God KNOWS about me that is more important that what others THINK about me. Through it all, I trusted God in me. There was no need to prove myself to anyone other than God! I felt, that the only way that I could stand before this was to kneel before God. Therefore, bowing out in prayer isn’t defeat to me; it is taking the high road. Through each struggle comes an important lesson. Sometimes it does speak directly to us; however, other times it doesn't. The important lesson from this experience was that

The last word isn’t important because God knows our hearts. God is with you and better in you! Just let go and let him!

On a high note, I received various emails wanting more writings and video blogs! This is very exciting to me. It proved to me that there are many people out there who appreciate Christ and the love that I have for him. The remarks of one individual will not change my love and appreciation for our LORD! Instead, it will push me to help this individual seek out Christ.

When I often wonder if people encounter the same experiences I do, I realize that we all have our own battles that we are faced with. We all deal with these experiences differently, but it is important that we remain Christ centered through our reactions and responses.


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