Without Christ we are NOTHING.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Do Not Harden Your Hearts
Do Not Harden Your Hearts
Day four in Los Angeles, California
Dear Lord, I pray today that if someone hears your voice that they do not harden their hearts towards you. I pray that they let you in and allow you to direct them with guidance even when it is not what they want it to be.
Friday, March 7, 2014
On The Other Side Of The Stuggle
On The Other Side Of The Struggle
Day 3 in Los Angeles, California
This morning I woke up to a text message from a college friend explaining to me that her grandmother had passed away last night. Throughout our years of school together, she had told me that her grandmother was battling alzheimers. Over the past couple of years, it was evident that the disease was worsening. This is a hard situation to deal with, as I too have witnessed it take over my great grandmother’s life.
Almost 7 years ago, I lot my great grandma to alzheimers. Throughout her pain, it was easy to look at the negative aspects of all that the disease had done to her and what it had taken away from us, her family. There were memories of the last year I spent with her that I wouldn’t trade for anything. From playing cards to talking about her children and husband, some who I never got the chance to meet. Although she couldn’t remember the card number or suit, she did remember the stories from long ago. In the moment of her last hours, I was terrified. This woman meant so much to me; however, after she took her last breath, I felt a sense of peace. Even though I never got to meet the people she talked about in her stories, I began to know them very well through her stories.
During the years of the struggle it’s hard to look beyond the negative, but on the other side of the challenge is a beautiful understanding of stories, people, and places I would have other wise never heard of. Looking back it’s still hard not to cry, but I have a great peace knowing that she is in heaven with her Father.
Dear Lord,
I pray that you wrap those who are in the midst of their struggle with comfort and peace. I pray that even through the hard time they seek to find the positive of the situation.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Faithful Losing Is Always A Reminder
Faithful Losing Is Always A Reminder
Day three in Los Angeles, California
Lately I’ve been thinking about The American and all cowboys who competed. Congrats to Richman Champion for winning the 1.1 Million dollars! Since Sunday, I have run across some of the cowboy’s responses to their performance. Some had positive feedback and others wished they had had a better performance. And while everything is already in the books, I’d like to share my thoughts on “Faithful Losing is should always be a reminder.”
First of all, I am reminded that I cannot put our identity with my event. The times when I think that my self worth comes from what I do rather than who I am are some of the most destructive times in my life. My identity, who I am and who I see myself as, comes from my Creator not my job. The essence of me has a purpose because God put me here for a reason, and I am still here!
Secondly, losing reminds me to never quit persevering, not just in my work, but also in every aspect of my life. Perseverance brings out good qualities in your life. I should persevere in my relationship with my friends, family, and teammates, no matter what happens. I should pursue Christ and persevere in my relationship with Him. If I quit, it doesn’t matter what I do or who I am, I will not be living my life to the fullest as God created me to do.
Thirdly, I get reminded of forgiveness. It’s true! I am reminded that as a messed up person, that I am forgiven. I get more chances to do my best and to do what is right. I get a deeper understanding as to how we cannot work to get into Heaven, but instead we are given freedom in Christ’s forgiveness so that we can live, worry free, for eternity. Do I worry? Yes. Do I get anxious and nervous? Yes, of course, but with Christ, there is hope. There is a future and it is for eternity.
Although I may be upset with myself when I don’t perform to my expected level but I am always encouraged and reminded when I lose. I may lose some confidence and I may get mad, but I always am assured of God’s love for me. Win or lose, I am a follower of Christ first, a few other priorities next, then I purse my other priorities with perseverance.
I pray that through our performances you work in us. I pray that we realize that with everything that we do, you are always part of the cheering section and want the best for us. And when we do fail to meet our expectations, you are there comforting us with your forgiveness.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Special Gifts From God
Special Gifts From God
Day 2 in Los Angeles, California

In Romans 12:6-8, God states that we are each given different gifts, according to the grace given us. No matter where our gifts are given, whether it be in serving, teaching, encouraging, music, rodeo, or making demin, do it with cheerfully, joyfully, and with the Lord in mind.
I just pray that today you help struggle to find something that they are passionate about. I pray Lord that you guide those who do know what they are passionate about to do whatever it is with you in mind.
The Uncomfortable Situations
The Uncomfortable Situations
Day 1 in Los Angeles, California
It has been a great start to an exciting week here in Calofornia!! I must say that the air here is very refreshing! This morning I realized just how out of my comfort zone I am right now... I've never been a city girl... 4 lane traffic to me is crazy,scary! However as I proceeded to carry on, I was reminded that in our faith walks with Christ we are put into uncomfortable situation. It is in those situations that we learn to lean on Him.
This morning during devotional in Psalm 92, we are reminded that The Lord desires that we serve Him for as long as we live. Even in old age, believers have the privilege of obeying God and ministering to others. It is important that as we grow in age and faith that we remain young and fruitful all our lives. The Lord desires for us to be fun-loving,life-giving people that others enjoy knowing. We choose to grow old early or remain youthful all our days. The secret is to listen to Gods voice and obey Him in every situation.
Lord I pray that today that with everything I do, I do with you in mind.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
God Wants you To Win Prayer
- RFD-TV The American -
There were a lot of things racing through my head this morning when I woke up. Immediately I went on to find the results from last night's performances at the PBR's #IronCowboy. Now I'm anxiously waiting forRFD-TV's The American to begin. I honor of these events, I wanted to reach out to those who are competing today or those who are in a place where they need God's encouraging words.
God Wants You To Win!
A while ago, God spoke to my heart that, "A champion is someone who changes their world everyday-for the good- with the love of Him!" If you are a born-agian Christian, you have the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Champion of Champions living in you. His heart becomes your heart - the heart of a champion.
In the third chapter of Philippians, the apostle Paul says that he counts everything in life worthless when compared to one thing - knowing Jesus Christ. His whole life purpose was to know His savior intimately and to understand and fulfill the purpose that Jesus had for his life.
I believe that God is raising up people in every walk of life all over the world. The business, political, sports, agricultural, education, entertainment, musical, medical and yes, the rodeo world. Men and women full of the spirit of God, the word of God and the love of God; empowered to change their world.
God wants you to win in every arena of your life and truly: GOD WANTS YOU TO WIN! -- (1 Cor. 9:24-26)
I end with this prayer:
Dear Lord, I pray that you hold every cowboy up today as they compete. I pray that as these cowboys compete, they deny themselves the many things that would keep them from doing their best. Most importantly Lord, I pray that each of them competes to win YOUR heavenly reward that never disappears.
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